2900. This Is Pragmatic and Profound Too!

Our labor dignifies us, dignifies us as teachers and as persons, and not less than that!
Working is a human action, which we choose to carry out, right? Okay, and also working dignifies our dear students.
I’m thinking now of some students to whom I teach private tuition. A couple days ago I taught each one a class. Lately I’m trying to make them study, to teach them how they can study and learn and improve as persons, for working dignifies them too, as I said and makes us all become better persons.
These young students just don’t know how to study and learn grammar, for a later usage into real and practical contexts – the examples of sentences I give them and make them build have to do with their likes and ordinary lives.
So the point is they should learn how to learn English and use it in real life within few years; English is just essential for students now, so essential that it’s something close to the fact that nearly everybody young is concerned about it in Spain.
Also something I’ve discovered is that now students demand to be trained for mastering one out of six levels: A1, A2, (basic) B1, B2, (intermediate) C1, C2 (advanced and proficiency respectively), within the Common European Framework of reference for languages.
Let’s focus now on planning next private tuition classes! / Photo from: www cyberphysics co uk. the picture is just an illustration. luke-bionic-arm-prosthetic


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