2922. The Right Way of Keeping Class Management

Probably many of you are on vacations now.
Okay, teens, adolescents often don’t like imposed rules, right? So something we can do is explaining the reason why such and such rules should be followed.
I knew a teacher… well, honestly it was me, anyway. In an English summer camp some years ago, a nice number of years ago, in Málaga, Costa del Sol, south of Spain, one of the first class days I said to a kid that he had to leave the classroom, because of some serious disruption, now I don’t remember what...
However he wouldn’t leave the classroom. I think I repeated the mandatory order, but he kept sitting at his desk.
Now I guess I would do different from that.
Kind of I would set some rules, okay, and in such summer courses I would try to empathize with the kids as well, out of the classroom alike. And I’d try to know them well. And in the class itself I would try to carry all the conducting more peacefully, always in a respectful way toward the kids – besides they’re spending part of their summer vacations keeping at a sort of school and this is so valuable, for they could be lying on the beach just doing nothing!
The point is to attract the kids to our side, to our teaching English side, for them to cooperate with us at something they should be the protagonists too! If some kid is misbehaving instead of going against him as teachers we should feel kind of pity about him and think of a way to actually help him.
We can get serious, but it’s because we suffer about the way he’s going against himself and his good, and his classmates, and his teacher. Let’s not lose our temper any more! / Photo from: Rutas-senderismo-picos-europa-cantabria www turismodecantabria com


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