2910. Our Teens Need to Be Listened to!

We teachers have to teach our students’ parents how to listen and talk with their children.
Sometimes, maybe often, our students don’t have anyone who would listen to them, because their parents are very busy and when at home they just want to relax and not much else.
I don’t mean all parents are that way, no.
However we teachers often have to educate those adults too, and not only their kids.
All we do helps people educate themselves, and it would be a fault by us not to pay attention to those issues.
Someone told me about a kid whose parents were so busy, up to the point they wouldn’t listen to him. On the other hand that kid made friends in some way to the condo doorkeeper, and they used to talk about the boy’s things.
Even one day somebody asked that boy whom he loved the most, and then he said that the doorkeeper, just because he knew how to listen to his worries and other teens’ typical age problems.
Perhaps this anecdote was told me by Alfonso Aguiló or I read it in one of his education books. / Photo from: www foundationfarm com. the picture is just an illustration but it shows a girl very concerned and happy with her farming products, and she needs to be payed attention to!


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