3100. Plenty of Communication in English!
I’m concerned
about the fact that with my lower-level class I utilize our mother language too
much, to the detriment of English, our target tongue.
I don’t know quite well
but we can be using Spanish up to some 8 to 10% of the allotted time. Which is
much, I’d say. And I’d like it diminish.
Let’s do something: next lesson with that class is
next Wednesday (because we have a long weekend, etc.) and I shall try to utilize English close to 100% of the assigned
time, which is 55 minutes – so 100% is the goal, the desideratum. Albeit I'll have to explain more things in English!
We have to
discuss about a class problem and we’ll do it in English (I will try rather hard
but gently and nicely of course). Also at tomorrow’s lesson with the higher-level
class I also will try to discuss about the issue all in English.
I can tell you
about that small specific problem: few students can attend conversation sessions with
a native speaker, namely an American volunteering college student whose name is
Obviously those sessions are free to attend:
you attend them just if you like – they’re extra-school activities.
As I said
I will discuss about this issue with those two groups of English language students…
in English. The point is more students would be able to attend those English
We, teacher and students, can deal with this issue and with most issues
in English – the thing is that I tend to use some Spanish because I attempt
things get set and established clearly and I don’t want any misunderstandings…
Let’s see to it! / Photo from: 5-tips-for-landing-your-dream-pharmacy-job
Education Advices. With this picture I try to show an example of